PHP to remote Oracle server connection on windows - Notes

PHP to remote Oracle server connection on windows

PHP to remote Oracle server connection on windows
Xampp 1.7.1
Apache 2.2.11
PHP 5.2.9-2
Oracle Instant client

1. Download the oracle server compatible oracle instant client from

2. Unzip the folder and the copy the path.

3. Create system environment variable ORACLE_HOME = above path

4. Add %ORACLE_HOME% to “Path” system variable

5. Uncomment extension=php_oci8.dll for oci support and extension=php_pdo_oci.dll for PDO_OCI from php.ini

6. Remove oci.dll, ociw32.dll and orannzsbb10.dll from c:\xampp\php and c:\xampp\apache\bin folder if any.

Note: ensure that there are only single copies of these three dlls and they are under instantclient folder only.

7. Restart apache.

8. You are done
Test program for PDO_OCI:

try {
$conn = new PDO(‘oci:dbname=//serverip:1521/SID;’, ‘username’, ‘password’);
foreach ($conn->query(‘SELECT * from tabs’) as $row) {
catch (PDOException $e) {
echo “Failed to obtain database handle ” . $e->getMessage();


(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = serverip)(PORT = 1512))
(CONNECT_DATA = (SID = sid)))”;
$conn = oci_connect(“user”, “pass”, $db);
$stmt = oci_parse($conn, “select * from tabs”);
oci_execute($stmt, OCI_DEFAULT);

while (oci_fetch($stmt)) {
echo $conn . ” [" . oci_result($stmt, "TABLE_NAME") . "]\n\n”;

For Symfony

1. Create oracle folder under lib\vendor\symfony\lib\plugins\sfPropelPlugin\lib\vendor\propel-generator\classes\propel\engine\database\reverse\ and add OracleSchemaParser.php to it.

For Propel 1.3 you can download from here.

2. Propel.ini
propel.database = oracle
propel.database.driver = oracle
propel.database.url = oci:dbname=//
propel.database.creole.url = ${propel.database.url}
propel.database.user = ade_data_dev
propel.database.password = ade_data_dev

3. databse.yml
class: sfPropelDatabase
classname: PropelPDO
phptype: oracle
dsn: oci:dbname=//
username: ade_data_dev
password: ade_data_dev
persistent: true
pooling: true

4. Comment $con->exec(“SET NAMES ‘” . $charset . “‘”); as in file DBAdaptor.php

public function setCharset(PDO $con, $charset)
//$con->exec(“SET NAMES ‘” . $charset . “‘”);

5. You are done.

PHP to remote Oracle server connection on windows